​The Pokemon NFT game scandal.

Ready to be excited...and then deeply disappointed?

A Pokemon game is being worked on, where each monster you catch is represented as an NFT.

(We've spoken about this potential pairing in the past).

...only problem is, the folks making it (an Australian based company, called 'Pokémon Pty Ltd') are, apparently, in no way associated with the actual Pokemon Company.

Here are three (alleged) things that made this whole thing about as brazen as an Andrew Tate quote on a dating profile:

  1. Pokémon Pty Ltd claimed to have worked on a bunch of official Pokémon titles...but according to the actual Pokemon Company - it was all bs.

  2. Representatives from Pokémon Pty Ltd went as far as approaching media outlets in an effort to drum up support.

    (That's what tipped the real Pokemon Company off).

  3. The first court hearing was on Wednesday, but no one from Pokémon Pty Ltd turned up.

Boooo! Pokémon Pty Ltd, boooo!


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