The Strongest Way to Store Your BTC
Article source, here.
Trezor - the company known for cold wallets (or, wallets that can be disconnected entirely from the internet) - has partnered with Bitcoin privacy firm, zkSNACKs, to offer CoinJoin to their Model T hardware wallet.
People may want to protect their personal information; or their financial information; they may not want the potential to be censored or restricted by governments or financial institutions; or maybe it's just for peace of mind.
Either way, this new partnership may be the strongest form of protection from hacks we've seen to date.
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We have no affiliation with either company mentioned in this article, we just think this technology is rad!
Trezor - the company known for cold wallets (or, wallets that can be disconnected entirely from the internet) - has partnered with Bitcoin privacy firm, zkSNACKs, to offer CoinJoin to their Model T hardware wallet.
CoinJoin is a mixing service. It takes multiple BTC payments, from multiple spenders, to create a single transaction whose history is almost untraceable.
(Kind of like throwing a bunch of identical coins in a jar and shaking it).
Per Trezor’s press release: "Users simply click on the 'anonymize' button...and the rest of the CoinJoin process is automated and requires no active user participation."
CoinJoin charges a small fee - et voilà - your BTC transactions, stored on your Trezor Model T, now have increased privacy.
"Don't only criminals use services like this?" we hear you ask.
That’s certainly a hot button issue - but there are plenty of reasons why people want to keep their BTC transactions private.
People may want to protect their personal information; or their financial information; they may not want the potential to be censored or restricted by governments or financial institutions; or maybe it's just for peace of mind.
Either way, this new partnership may be the strongest form of protection from hacks we've seen to date.
And that's a good thing.