​‘Trial by Social Media’ Has a Whole New Meaning to It...

In case you missed it last week:

Lawmakers in Colombia held a two-hour court hearing, in Zuck's metaverse.

No, seriously! That actually happened.

(Why're you laughing?)

The lawyers had to wear VR headsets to take part, and the whole thing was live-streamed on YouTube.

(Ok, now you can laugh).

...do you remember that saying - the one that was meant to be a comment on the 'let-downs' of modern technology?

It went something like this:

'We asked for flying cars, and instead we got 140 characters.'

(Referring to Twitter's original character limit).

Let us be the first to update that turn of phrase...

'We asked for flying cars, and instead we got 140 characters sentenced to prison in a Horizon Workroom.'

Has a nice ring to it, no?


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