​A Solid Blueprint for Success in Web3.

Alright, it's official.

Playing video games pays!

(You hear that mom?)

The winner of Yuga Labs' game, Dookey Dash, just sold the winning 'key' NFT for 1000 ETH (i.e. $1.63 Million USD).

On Twitter, the winner said that royalties would be paid in full - which has since happened - leaving Yuga Labs with a nice 50 ETH (~$82k) cut.

Okay cool, an NFT sold for $1.63M, whats the big deal?

(Beeple sold one for $69M).

Well, we've said it before and we'll say it again:

When Yuga Labs launched the Bored Ape Yacht Club collection, it wasn't just an NFT drop, but a brand launch.

In just two short years, Yuga Labs has built strong brand recognition, made acquisitions (like the rights to CryptoPunks), launched multiple NFT drops, run events for their holders, created games, and started working on a metaverse play.

All leveraged off the back of Web3 technology.

If that isn't a solid blueprint, then nothing is!


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