​Web3 could be a game changer for the travel industry (Que?)

This is an interesting one...

Typically when we hear 'Web3 is about to enter X industry,' we expect to see a gimmicky integration designed to get clicks, more than it is to solve actual problems.

But (dare we say it?) this one kind of makes sense.

Facundo Diaz, co-founder of TravelX (a blockchain company focused on the Travel Industry), outlined his vision for NFT travel ticketing.

'NFTickets' could allow airlines and events to increase their revenue through resales on the secondary market.

Unable to make a flight? Resell it on the secondary market.

Want to gift someone a holiday? Send an NFTicket to their wallet.

Need to change your dates? Offer a premium to anyone willing to swap tickets with you.

The upside for airlines is that they could program a royalty fee into each NFTicket, so every time the NFT is sold/traded on the secondary market - they get a cut.

It's a bold concept, especially given how much bureaucratic red tape would need to be cut through in order for the idea to be realized.

But the use case is there!

And according to Facundo (great name btw):

“TravelX is in negotiations and working with more than 60 airlines from Europe, the Middle East, and the U.S. for them to integrate TravelX’s standard and infrastructure for their inventory management and distribution.”

If they can make it work, we're game!


​'The Oscars of the crypto world' is about to be a thing.


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