​What a load of Krap.

How's this for a concept?

A TV show that follows a dysfunctional family of humans, Gods, monsters and chickens, set in mythical ancient Greece.

If you’re thinking: “That’s the sort of sh*t that could only come from the deranged mind of Rick and Morty creator, Dan Harmon,” you’d be correct.

Harmon is overseeing a new show called Krapopolis - created in collaboration with Fox Entertainment’s Web3 Studio, Blockchain Creative Labs.

And they’ve just launched the Krapopolis NFT collection.

Collectors will get access to token-gated content, private screening rooms, entry to Discord channels, invitations to meet n' greets with cast members and producers, merchandise, and series voting rights.

That last part sounds especially exciting to us…the ability to vote on the series plot? Count us in!

Here’s why this we love this approach:

  • Bringing fans closer to the content is really important, and shows like Rick and Morty have done this incredibly well.

    Now, with the creation of NFTs, it’s opened up possibilities for fans to make suggestions and impact the content in ways that’ve never been possible before.

  • Along similar lines, from the show’s (business) perspective, they want people to be watching/rewatching obsessively.

    If there’s the possibility that a fan can impact the show’s storyline, even if they don’t go with your suggestion, surely you’re going to be watching to find out. If they do, those are some instant bragging rights - and where do we all go to brag? Twitter.

  • This type of thing has been tried before, but it hasn’t really caught on.

    With Dan Harmon’s cult following, and the backing of Fox, maybe this show/NFT project will be the one that ultimately reshapes the way people view content and how companies produce/distribute it.

First episode drops on Fox in early 2023.




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