Why Are Traders P*ssed at Uniswap?


  • Uniswap has started to take a fee on the following tokens: ETH, USDC, WETH, USDT, DAI, WBTC, agEUR, GUSD, LUSD, EUROC, XSGD.

  • The fee only applies if you use the Uniswap interface - the product built by Uniswap Labs on top of the Uniswap ​protocol​.

  • In less than 3 days, Uniswap has generated a little over $100k, which would have racked up an ​estimated​ $22 million in revenue YTD.

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"What used to be free, is now going to cost you."

That ain't the best sales pitch. But it's one that Uniswap has gone with.

Trades that used to be free on the platform are now getting hit with a 0.15% fee, and some folks are p*ssed!

Here's what you need to know:

First, Uniswap is only taking a fee on the following tokens: ETH, USDC, WETH, USDT, DAI, WBTC, agEUR, GUSD, LUSD, EUROC, XSGD.

(So if you're trading something else, you can rest easy).

Second, the fee only applies if you use the Uniswap interface - the product built by Uniswap Labs on top of the Uniswap ​protocol​.

Which is kind of like listening to Podcasts on the Apple Podcast app vs. YouTube.

If you listen on YouTube, you're going to have to listen to automated ad placements. If you listen on the Apple Podcast app, it'll be ad free.

(Same end product, different interface/experience).

That's all to say: if users want to avoid these new fees, they can, by using a different interface.

As to why folks are p*ssed? That's simple!

No one likes paying for something they're used to getting for free.

The good news is: from the looks of things, the transition appears to have gone as smoothly as possible.

In less than 3 days, Uniswap has generated a little over $100k, which would have racked up an ​estimated​ $22 million in revenue YTD.

Not too shabby!

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