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​Move-to-earn is broken. This doesn't fix it, but it's better than what we have.

Move-to-earn was an exciting concept in early 2022!

You exercise → you get paid. Neat, right?

Only problem was (as we discovered from experience), most of these apps walked, talked and quacked like a Ponzi scheme.

You buy an NFT (for ~$500-1000), you walk every day and earn crypto tokens in return (~$60-90 worth, each day).

The hope being that the token holds a stable price long enough for you to pay off your initial investment and turn a profit.

It worked for some (the early adopters), and failed for most (everyone else). It's the same thing you see in 'Multi Level Marketing' (MLM) schemes - aka pyramid schemes.

From what we can tell, FightOut (a new move-to-earn app), doesn't solve this problem - but it makes it much less pyramid-ish.

Here's the old model:

Buy an expensive NFT → try to make your money back by exercising daily, before the token price collapses → for the app to 'succeed,' a few people need to win, while most lose.

Here's our understanding of FightOut's model:

Create a free account → start a monthly subscription → offset that subscription cost by exercising and earning their FGHT token.

Basically, you get the illusion of earning, but really you're just maintaining a free subscription.

If you miss enough days of training, FightOut turns a profit.

(Gyms operate in a similar way - they sell more memberships than they can accommodate, knowing that most people will only show up once a week).

FightOut can then turn an additional profit by offering you upsells, like memberships to their irl gyms - that double as health bars, content studios, and co-working spaces (?).

See what we mean when we say it doesn't solve the problem - but it makes it much less pyramid-ish?

And hey - if you know what you're getting into, and you're cool with it...

Why not, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯